Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5. ... ambition ambitious evidence pearl of honor and nobility of human psychology and earns Excell

4. seriousness ... of the commander signs is not intended not to laugh and lack of humor, but dealing with life seriously and serious with his relationship with the people even with God and with himself also not Ejammlha, but rather hold them to account and Aadbaa and takes the covenants and conventions .. It is not intended to deal with Bjlavh people ... reverse the serious life is frivolous life ... We are against the pettiness and marginal ... this seriousness required of ordinary people before they are required of leaders .. and of course the commander would be serious because the position requires serious .. we mean serious is the opposite marginal ...
(C) time management pearl .. who has the attention of management time and attention not to waste his time These indicate the seriousness and is a sign of leadership signs .. quarter to sleep (six hours) - a quarter of a personal - a quarter pearl of a social pearl - a quarter of the work and achievement .. must be a balance between these aspects ..
5. ... ambition ambitious evidence pearl of honor and nobility of human psychology and earns Excellencies the bump toward greatness .. and human Wenzhe about nonsense things .. If ambition ambitious serious human movement will gain efficiency and activity .. ambition raises small and transcends Balhakar (contemptible: that is not did not inherit honor and no money) ambition makes a person is the one who establishes honor for him and his family and those after him ... How do we know that he has a serious human ambition and not just Amani ::
A. Alusolo top positions .. ambition wants access to senior positions such as: Minister pearl - Prime .. ambitious Prophet, peace be upon him .. was looking for a home in paradise does not give only one man in all humanity. The Prophet, peace be upon him say: God amused me Wesya it to his home in Paradise Attenbga only one of the slaves of God and I hope that I am, it is the way he asked me vacated his intercession ..
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah says in his book Majmoo .. you should know that the mandate is the people of the greatest duties of religion but because Akiem of religion nor the world but by the sons of Adam to Ataatm their interest only to meet the need of some to some must have at the meeting of the head ... I mean, from the commander ...
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Twitter updates RT @ KarimAlshazley: "happiness" # # Saadh_aqrar Karim_ahazli direction, pearl not a place, a journey, not a destination. Fb.me/1IcgFYwSn 4 weeks ago RT @ almonajjid: blood in the word "always" as well as in the streets is the blessed rain water collects pure blood God Ogatha his victory Doma_tbad # # Doma_tanrq http: / ... 3 months ago RT @ salehoboodi: Why # Doma_tbad because it is an ancient city, are from rural areas of Damascus located pearl about 9 kilometers and is connected to them: http://t.co/8FXavYtORb 3 months ago RT @ salehoboodi: and what I read in the memories of old Tantawi, where he was a judge, governed by the laws of God more than two years! 3 months ago RT @ salehoboodi: Why # Doma_tbad a country conquest beauty, and beauty fracture, understand the only country who eat the flesh of beauty in abundance, a country grapes ... 3 months ago FollowKhawlahTaffor

Green claims to enter the Egyptian market cigarettes to ask why some mothers now delay cutting the

Green claims to enter the Egyptian market cigarettes to ask why some mothers now delay cutting the umbilical cord after birth? Mphajoh- gut bacteria affect the behavior and actions of your child! New discovery prevents the spread of breast cancer by a chicken bone extract greatness of lung patient! Balvedao- response lady did to see the face of her brother transferred to another man after his death out about things that might kill your animals sperm Antbh- summer kidney stones season invent the first vaccine to reduce high blood pressure Antbh- smoking Contraindications new pregnancy cause in the formation of clots launch of the International Fund for Childhood Cancer sponsored Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi smoking Drash- number of hours of sleep determines your productivity at work challenging Charlie panic spread through social networking sites panels dark chocolate are not as they seem! Or follow Hdsha and discovers that her child infected with meningeal infections and diaper Balsour- not a rare case of a child born with 12 finger in his hands and feet pictures smoking | lady crying blood .. Learn affected by the situation in honor of the World Health Organization: Egypt has made remarkable progress limit C virus spread and reduced smoking price Alsuvalda globally Ministry of Health Service- tips to deal with the high temperature Weather How your child avoid the emergence of some serious genes during pregnancy
1. Earn your hair density using silicon: longer hair-free light of the vital problems of the most important hair, and in spite of the few, the women only knew ... optimal treatment lotions heavy hair but do not earn weakness ,, bet here on the use of preparations containing Silicon surrounding tufts of hair with a thin layer ,, which Szar hair more dense and non-greasy Zzz The silicon remains setting locks of hair even after the rinse ... 2. Eat more fish and nuts to the health of hair: The Good Food for the body is the same as working smoking to increase health and the strength of the hair. The salmon and walnuts-rich in protein and Omega 3 are working to increase the health of the scalp. And elements in vegetables paper and beans and carrots are also useful for your hair ... and some elements lack Kalzenk, protein smoking and biotin may lead to the fragility smoking of the hair and then Sthoth in large quantities ... 3-Keep gloss hair using lukewarm water: hot water strips the hair of sebum It is the oil that works balm natural and earn your hair to shine, and, this does not mean that you have to carry the water cooler smoking to avoid taking this but wash your hair with lukewarm water ,, do not forget to pamper smoking your scalp massage Latif during hair washing ... 4-Osalehy Parties divided using a large number of protein hairdresser dye or crease works to destroy the outer layer garrison for your hair and the result tufts Mqcefh ... It's good that there are products that help repair this damage ,, Look for protein-rich balm, Protein can penetrate the lock of hair and repair smoking split ends .. But the effect lasts only Even Thblly your hair again ,, so you use it regularly ... Get a 5-intensity red capes owners: the density of your hair is controlled by your genes ,, as well as a way for your hair .. Tsfivk different types of hair in the density of their hair red is the most innately density while blond is the lightest note that in the most number of wisps ... Fortunately, you can control the density of your hair whatever color ,, Use quality balsamic mousse or that remain in the hair ,, and dry roots first before parties. If you suffer from very light hair Tdharah not using the heat during drying or styling ... 6-crust Taaljy not using oil: the crust is not caused by dry hair, but it kind of inflammation that affects the scalp ,, so the scalp massage oils of any kind makes matters worse, resulting white peel more ... That is why the best way is to use medical shampoo ,, just make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly after using shampoo medical ... 7-Return the matter in the high-energy dryers: You may Tljian to dryers with energy top to provide a few minutes of time layering routine ,, but studies have confirmed that the time required to dry the hair is the same with different dried user ... 8-energies Limit Use the brush to reduce hair loss: It's normal that Tekhsary between 50 to 100 hairs every Day ,, this is the hair that stopped growing and reached the stage of sleep ... the frequent use of the brush increases the amount of lost hair ,, Tqlly to the amount of hair loss is not Tsarhy your hair and Use a wet brush bristles have the teeth in the form of a small ball .. 9 -tjunby layoffs that damage your hair: Alhsat tail curls Court can break and damage hair follicles especially if the hair wet ,, and links add weight to the hair follicles and click on ,, so the doctors smoking have advised not to use the links for more than 3 months ... 10-not Tjali many products eliminate money: many products may contain natural elements, but this does not mean it is better for your hair .... proven studies done on 1700 samples smoking of different types of feeling that the most expensive shampoo did not give a better result than the cheap ... more importantly selection the most expensive is the choice of the most suitable for the quality of your hair ... 11-Use lighter colors to cover gray hair: when we grow only hair color does not change, but it becomes weaker and slower to grow, which means that the damaged smoking hair will not disappear as soon as the story ... so you should not use the same chemicals that you place in you in the past because your hair is no longer as before .... Try equation 12-wrinkling in winter: It is known that more moisture is what causes the wrinkle hair ,, but with the lack of moisture increases smoking static electricity shipments ,, which means that the wrinkles have Also in the winter months and in dry weather ... Use soothes the Tadly electricity ,, also balanced shampoos

Monday, June 1, 2015

Haj Rikabi works with Haj Shazly and one of his relatives explain diamond supply co to Video 7 came

Gold is considered in the Nuba of the most important diamond supply co wealth and the word "Nubia" indicators in itself etymology Fronaa of the word "gold" as it is called hieroglyphs "Nob" including the word "heart" was due to the abundance of gold mines in the region since ancient times, gold Nubian is gone worn by women Nubian distinguishes it from other between the Women's World, where the advantage of being the only gold that do not enter the industry with modern machinery diamond supply co but made manually until now, so the women are flocking from all over the world.
Haj Shazly Hamid months maker of gold Nubian in Egypt at the age of 83 years, not only individuals Aailth who did not get out of the Nuba, emigrated Haj Shazly to Upper Egypt with his parents since 1955 to Cairo and settled in Abdin neighborhood where shops to fill gold Nubian 1960 opened simulated Over the years became months and mastered diamond supply co maker Nubian Gold in Upper Egypt come to him from all loves to wear jewelry from all over the Nubian Egypt and the Arab and foreign countries.
Haj Rikabi works with Haj Shazly and one of his relatives explain diamond supply co to Video 7 camera seventh day comic, how to make gold Nubian where he said, he was the purchase of gold 24 carat of customers and due to hyperbole prices became bought a 21-gauge then Ptsaaha, then puts it in a machine to determine the gold thickness, It then occupy by "Alastunbh" required and then take him to the interest of the stamp and balances of the Ministry of Supply in aesthetic District, then B_taibh and display.
He Rikabi, that gold adulterated knows of proper by Knit piece of gold on a stone and then puts it, "water solution or water fire" comes out of the chapel, if gold adulterated disappears into the same moment, and if he went properly gauge 18 remains the then Akhvty The Gold 21 remains unchanged longer.
As for the cleaning of gold said Rikabi, it is the best way to clean gold 21 is sand while 18 his brush specific to him, and that the workmanship gold Nubian more expensive than any other gold because it is made by hand and is 35 pounds per gram, and explained that each piece of gold with the name of an ad hoc ones "carpentry" It is a big contract studded with precious stones offered by the bride or groom Nubian, "transparency" provided by the people of the bride gift for their daughter at her wedding, and Gakd and accuracy. diamond supply co
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Design and development of the seventh day team