At that time came to Temuco a tall lady in long dresses and shoes with low heels. She was the new director of the girls' school. She came out of our austral city of the snowfields at the Magallanes Strait. Her name was Gabriela Mistral. I saw them go through the streets of my village in their priestly robes, and was afraid of her.
The timid boy should soon change his mind, because the tall lady proved to be very friendly jennifer and they awakened his love of Russian literature. They also encouraged him not to give up his attempts at writing. This story almost jennifer seems as if it were invented, too good to be true: The first meeting of two future Nobel laureates - Gabriela Mistral, which actually Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga was called and Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, later known as Pablo Neruda. (...)
1945 awarded the Swedish Academy her the Nobel Prize for Literature "as a great singer of grace and motherhood". This was the first Nobel Prize in Literature, who went to Latin America. Mistral traveled only reason to accept jennifer the prize in Stockholm, because they knew him as an appreciation for Latin America. Eight years later, Chile honored his great poet with the National jennifer Prize for Literature. But in 1954 she visited the country back from a short visit. On January 10, 1957 Gabriela Mistral died in the U.S. of cancer, it was according to their desire buried in Monte Grande, the place of her childhood.
Come Gabriela, beloved daughter of the canola fields, these stones, this giant wind. We all called you joyfully welcome. (...) You are Chilean. You belong to the people. (...) You are a poignant campaigner for peace. For these and other reasons, we love you.
Sources: Daydí-Tolson, jennifer Santiago: Gabriela Mistral. Mistral, Gabriela: Motives of ball clay. Poetry. Leipzig 1989 Neruda, Pablo:. I confess, I have lived. Berlin 1975.
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