I know all the churches in Australia Polynesian people of all American Indians consider themselves bra just as the Mormon revelation told them in general, and the people of Lehi on blood relations. But why would God allow these many Latter-day Saints bra church prophets taught this fact is wrong faith? In the biggest impact bra on me that within a few years, Gan Spencer is just that time of the Prophet president, he said to the tens of millions of Lamanites lived in the Americas and the Pacific Islands. Consequently, many American Indians and Polynesians Imam members say they are blessed Manasseh (Manasseh) descendants, as Lehi was a descendant of Manasseh. As a result, millions of Mormons believe they are descendants of the Lamanites, that is, who belongs to the family of Lehi.
My heart because of these findings struggled two weeks. In August, the first Sunday evening, our young families bra are gathered, ready for family prayers and sing some children will be poetry. Over and over after one of our favorite song "Book of Mormon Stories", I am very troubled. I know I can not with my kids sing this song, because this song is narrated in a lie. That night, I embrace the sadness and confusion of mind in bed. After getting up the next day, I turned on the inner conflict resolved. The night before, in his sleep a few weeks before my subconscious organize all the thoughts and feelings, even though I wish the Book of Mormon is true, but it is not. It is not real true history of the nation.
I have my doubts bra and stake president and regional leaders to share and finally, at the beginning of these local leaders questioned the authenticity of the scientific basis, and found my interpretation is incorrect. They suggested I talk to Scott Woodward, he was a professor at Brigham Young University, who says he is an expert in this area. Until I really believe that the situation is very serious, I was Professor Woodward contact. In his lengthy defense of the contents of the church, Professor Woodward indicated that more than 98 percent of American Indians are from Asia, and this happened, and now the church believe that the Lamanites came in conflict. Woodward confirmed the Brigham Young University scientists have tested more than 5,000 American Indians from Peru, all of them in fact DNA lineage who are also from Asia. American ancestry three major civilizations (Aztecs, Mayans and Incas) are basically from Asia.
It is at this moment, I realized Mormon apologetics said. In response to some questions arising from science, apologetics, said the church bra would be appropriate to propose a new interpretation of the Book of Mormon way. For example hemisphere theory (hemispheric), apologetics believe Lee family has boarded multiply the Promised Land, confined to a small area in Central America. In this interpretation of the model, called into the descendants of Lehi among American Indians, and quickly dominated their civilization. But, Nephi and Jacob is in the records of Mormon, the Mormon deliberately bra not mentioned them reach the Americas, as early as flooded large population of other Indians. In fact, American Indians already living in the South, the North American continent 13,000 years.
Small Central American region to distort the only way to make your own mind agree with the above theory is that the scope of the entire hemisphere of Mormon events described. New York hill Cumorah is too far away from the Central American region, the apologist directly imaged a new geographic area. Obviously, the Moro trusted by the golden plates all the way from Central America to the 纽约克 mo Cumorah pull thousands of kilometers away. So why Moroni never mentioned in the Book of Mormon faith journey stunning tour it? Narrow piece of land from the sea into the sea two things (best known geographic feature in the book), the Nephites to spend a day and a half before they can pass through this land, this part is also apologist stuffed Their Central America within the model. In Mexico, the waters separating the north and south of the 200 km-wide Isthmus Tewang Chapultepec is that they can think of the most appropriate standard earth. Meanwhile, in their discourse bra as well as dozens of pages of both serious and careful defense, they tried to make the model look not only reasonable, but also trying to make everyone bra think that this is the most appropriate interpretation bra of the Book of Mormon way.
Hundreds of prophetic revelation (many of which are from Joseph Smith), numerous temple dedicatory prayer with millions of patriarchal blessing words, claiming bra that they Lehi (American bra Indians and Polynesians human) ancestors. But these Christians are subject to the Church of Latter-day Saints is widely believed that the impact on the relevant content in the Americas, such as Lee, was the Central American model apologist overthrow bra arrogance: these are just the leaders over the result of revelation. One apologist even contemptuously to believe that these American descendants of Lehi in a wide range of cognitive attributed to the faithful believe the results over doctrine. Was so prophetic and teaching bra leaders since that is the revelation by the Holy Spirit, but apologists do not think so. Those remarks only people own views only. The question is, how God would allow all the prophets of Latter-day Saints church and the whole church so ridiculously wrong, let them apologist even qualify even as the church does not speak of God came to understand the true meaning? bra Some apologists who believe that God deliberately arranged, the purpose of which is to see the true believer is his child?
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