Saturday, September 20, 2014

09/12/2014, 17:00 - 10/19/2014, running shoes 17:00 Art Spectrum 2014

Trenčín Region History Regions / Districts running shoes Symbols TSK President Representation in Brussels Competence News Press releases Disclosure Document eAuction Procurement divestiture, divestiture running shoes rent property, rental property OvZP Competitions sales representative publications TSK Access to Information Questions and Answers Online Services and Forms TSK Prosecutor's Office running shoes TSK Organization (OvZP) TSK SO / MA for ROP
Health Social Assistance Finance Education Culture and Sports Transport Civil protection Spatial running shoes planning, investment, environment Regional Business Development International Relations Tourism Europe Direct Archive TSK representation in Brussels
The fair was attended by 300 exhibitors from 13 countries. Their offers presented running shoes national running shoes headquarters CR, regions, cities, travel agencies, spas, Polish Chamber of Commerce for tourism, accommodation providers, language schools. On the opening ceremony of the exhibition and the press conference was the participation of Slovak entities significantly visibility - one of the main opening speech was Director running shoes of STB in Poland John Bošnovič, our participation was highly running shoes appreciated in his speech, fair manager Piotr Kubica, spectacular highlight was the performance of the trio huslistiek G-Strinx and the main element of the decoration stage banner, on which the Bojnice castle. The opening and then the first day was in the booth STB Consul General of Slovakia in Poland JUDr. Marek Lisánsky. Trenčín Region was represented at this fair, because Polish tourists are the second largest group of foreign visitors SR and the upcoming tourist running shoes season are prepared to choose the target of trips and stays well our region and that filled their expectations regarding the service quality and attractiveness of the offered products. For this exhibition, we have prepared a good representative selection of attractive, products, equipment and events that we want to attract Polish clientele. Exposure TSK was part of an integrated stand Slovak Agency for Tourism with the following entities: High Tatras - City High Tatras, Poprad, city Martin, Spa Rajecke Teplice, City Great Meder, Slovak Paradise - Hrabušice, hotel company SOREA a village Zuberec. Slovak booth was one of the spotlight, animate him regular running shoes appearances very attractive huslistiek, wine tasting company Ostrožovič administration and sheep cheese running shoes and marmalade pies. From our regional products were stand oštiepok Chabovec and cheese, which gave us a limited company Agrosúča.
Head of exposure running shoes Slovak Republic was John Bošnovič, the MoE was fair Ing. Ivan Štubňa for STB Mgr. Peter Svehla, head of e-marketing, AV production and above the line communication and Mgr. Peter Shepherd, deputy SACR in TSK, TSK for PaedDr. Sylvia Maliariková, Head of CR and Ing. Catherine Sulová, assistant department. CR. During the fair booth representatives running shoes visited various institutions in Poland dealing with tourism, Marshal of Silesia, Katowice Mayor, representatives of Polish and Slovak media owners or representatives CK and CA that offer on the Polish running shoes market holiday in Slovakia.
Frequently visited VII. TSK council meeting: Communiqué from the August council meeting TSK PD to the contract: Reconstruction of the border ŽSK - TSK to the village Reality Pravno Motor vehicle tax for 2014
Health Social Assistance Finance Education Culture running shoes and Sports Transport Civil protection Spatial planning, investment, environment Regional Business Development International Relations Tourism Europe running shoes Direct Trenčín
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09/12/2014, 17:00 - 10/19/2014, running shoes 17:00 Art Spectrum 2014
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09/12/2014, 17:00 - 10/19/2014, 17:00 Color and Fantasy
05/09/2014, 17:00 - 09/26/2014 Petra Némethová: The line at infinity
09/12/2014, 17:00 - 10/19/2014, running shoes 17:00 Art Spectrum 2014
09/12/2014, 15:00 - 30/09/2014 running shoes Catherine Vavrová: Confession of my father running shoes
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