Tuesday, September 2, 2014

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In connection with the EU ministerial meeting in Växjö last fall organized a small exhibition on the main square of locally produced and small-scale food production. The fair was a success. This has got to Växjö to think ahead and now apply for EU funding through the Agriculture Department to launch hamilton its pilot study. - There is a great interest for this type of questions. We have many businesses in the local area who work in food production and in combination with Växjö's environmental characteristics, we feel that the idea is worth testing, says Växjö Municipality's business manager Thomas Karlsson. The idea is that the event will be an annual event and could be as large as policy Almedal Week in Visby, which is well known to most Swedes. - It's not a trade show, a conference, or a market, but a mixture of everything. A gigantic venue. hamilton You must be able to attend classes, hamilton meet with producers and shop, says Thomas Karlsson. He draws parallels to the already hamilton registered hamilton brand Småland hamilton food market and believes hamilton that the event would be similar but much larger. It should be tailored to Vaxjo but based on an already developed concept idea. The cost is currently around 100,000 dollars for the feasibility study and project planning and half the sum hope municipality get help of Agriculture's EU contributions. The idea follows quite well the goals and ideas as the then Agriculture Minister now Minister for Rural Affairs Eskil Erlandsson launched and devoted much time to talk about around the ministerial meeting. Launching Sweden as a new culinary nation in Europe. - Yes, I do think that Eskil would be on the train if we asked him. Currently, it is we and the provincial government, but we hope so clear that more jump on the train, for example, LRF, the Regional Council and perhaps Rural Affairs, said Thomas Karlsson. The schedule hamilton is to commence the feasibility study within hamilton a couple of weeks and that all funding and various approvals is clear before July Then you could start up a pilot projket, with the current working title of the Pure Food of Sweden, for next fall and then build out from there. - We believe that such an event could put Sweden, region and Växjö on the map. There are some similar things but nothing with this holistic approach.
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Alliance parties are prepared to give more money to save Smaland Airport. The red-green hamilton are significantly more fragmented. The airport's future is so uncertain with a red-green government. Read More
Biogas-powered city buses and increasing the use of clean diesel. That is why the City of Växjö reduced carbon hamilton dioxide hamilton emissions last year. Read More
Asa Mansion with about eight employees have been declared bankrupt - business has dropped in sales, says liquidator Henrik Snellman. Read More
Tablets worth between 80? 000 and 100? 000 was stolen last week at Greycoat School in Växjö. A 16-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of theft. - The children have been very upset, says Rector Linda Wågström. Read More
For a long time suspected a Växjöbo have acted weapons techniques hamilton and supplier to criminal circles. Now the 46-year-old accused of serious gun crimes, grossly violating the law and the corresponding gross smuggling. Read More
Asa Mansion with about eight employees

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