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Famous daughters at loggerheads with their mother goud -
A good, close relationship between mother and daughter for many celebrities not play. British actress Mischa Barton sued this week by her mother because of mismanagement. And Mischa is not the only ... Nuala Barton. bruno.
For years it was thick loaf between actress Mischa Barton (29) and her mother Nuala. British - best known for the popular goud drama series The OC - acting since she was 9th and finance were those 20 years arranged by her mother. They often appeared arm in arm at premieres and interviews they talked lovingly about each other. Her parents even came to her villa in Beverly Hills when she was living for a while in 2009, in a psychiatric hospital. But of those loving relationship is about much more. Loving daughter has filed a lawsuit against her 'mamanager "Nuala. Barton: ,, They no longer work and sit leaning back in my house waiting for the money that I spend inside goud '' Mischa already faced several years of financial difficulties, which according to her is due to the mismanagement of her mother.. She says that Nuala lied about her daughters revenue and the difference reached into his own pocket. They would also be put through her own mother from her home. Jennifer goud Aniston also Friends actress goud Jennifer Aniston has long been on bad terms with her mother. That did not in 1999 as the school may clap on her daughter. Mother Nancy wrote the book From Mothers to Daughters to Friends; a biography about her daughter, full of pithy statements about small Jen. It was the final blow to their already fragile some mother-daughter relationship. Nancy, who once worked as a model, was at Jennifer's early years very critical to the appearance of her daughter. ,, Because she was so beautiful and I did not. I see myself therefore still not in a good light. But that's okay, '' said the actress about this. Drew Barrymore, like Mischa Barton is a child star Drew Barrymore with parents who deserved the talent of their offspring. Mother Barrymore, however, saw it as her duty to take her young daughter to clubs and parties, making the then 12-year-old Drew - best known for ET - ended up in rehab. On her 15th she went to court and she got custody of her own life. Since then she has little contact with her parents. Although she claims "have forgiven everything." Anouk singer Anouk was largely raised goud by her mother after his father chose another family. That was reasonable, but in adolescence they exchanged home to home until they finally went to live on their own. With her mother has them off for a few years and then reconnect. ,, I'm not angry. I know that sometimes things differently than you want, '' said Anouk earlier. Patty and Priscilla It sometimes goes the other way:-known mothers who quarrel with their daughters. Patty Brard example, moth with her daughter Priscilla, she sees her ages ago. The quarrel arose during the reality show about the life of Patty. Priscilla: ,, I could not tell the difference between Patty Brard and mom. And I feel that Patty did not know that. '' Also Take a subscription to the AD! Join the AD holiday game and win a dream trip!
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